Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Reusable Lunch Products

This is an easy way for every house to reduce their waste. Plastic bags are an unneccessary waste that will sit in our landfills far longer than they should. Using reusable bags not only helps save our planet but you will most definitely get some compliments on your cute lunch accessory. I happen to be a WAHM (work at home mom) and one of the things I make and sell is snack bags, sandwich bags, and sandwich wraps. If you are interested in making the change to reusable lunch items you can swing by my store and order some!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The inconvenience of convenience.

Every day I see another ad for some "awesome" new product that will supposedly make my life easier. I am appalled at the amount of disposable products that are used every day in America. Things that unnecessary and wasteful. These things may seem to make our day to day life easier but the long term effects of all of this garbage is going to be detrimental to future generations. I would rather wash a plate than live next to huge piles of trash. I goal with this blog is to introduce the things we do in my house that are easy steps towards a cleaner, less disposable planet.